You no doubt have read many articles on the pros and cons of financial education. Well, as a parent you already know the truth. Financial education works, like any other education we give our kids on the right and wrong way to do things. What we teach them now, they will use – eventually. And teaching them about the choices they have for money when they are young is a surefire way to insulate them from unintended financial consequences.
Proof in the Research
At Money Savvy Generation we have been doing independent research on our curriculum used in elementary classrooms to help teach kids about money – with lessons starting in PreK. The research of the past 15 years tells us that we are shaping a child’s money attitudes and knowledge in a significant way – and that those kids we teach know more about money choice, goal-setting and how to exercise the learned skill of delayed gratification – just to name a few of the things they learn.
Financial Education Scam Addressed
This summer, the question of whether financial literacy is a sham or not was addressed in an interview I did with Jill Schlessinger, CFP, CBS News Analyst . Here’s what she had to say following the interview:
– Jill Schlessinger, Jill on Money
To read more, here’s a link to the full article: Jill On Money: Financial literacy: Sham or real? | Tribune Content Agency
For more, you can listen to the interview on Jill’s podcast:
Jill on Money: Having the Money Talk – Part Two
So, let’s finally put the debate to rest! Start early. Teach often. And watch your kids thrive.
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