Grandparents are an excellent resource for money education. I grew up with my grandmother and everything she said, even if it was identical to what my mom and dad said, sounded better. Continue reading
Grandparents are an excellent resource for money education. I grew up with my grandmother and everything she said, even if it was identical to what my mom and dad said, sounded better. Continue reading
“In financial trouble? You might want to explain it to your kids,” by Sandra Block from USA Today, shares tips from many of us in the field, myself included. Talking to your kids about money is more important today than it ever has been! So don’t be afraid to include them and make it a teachable moment.
Parents ask me daily how to talk with their kids about what’s going on in the market and as a result, in their own homes. Parents are worried and kids pick that worry up and begin to try to make sense of it on their own. Continue reading
Here is the rest of my top 10 money savvy tips for families if you think you may be laid off soon: Continue reading