In my last post I talked about it not being too late to start teaching your teen about money management. But I’ve been asked again and again if children in grades K-4 are too young to absorb the concepts of personal finance. Continue reading
In my last post I talked about it not being too late to start teaching your teen about money management. But I’ve been asked again and again if children in grades K-4 are too young to absorb the concepts of personal finance. Continue reading
The New America Foundation, a think tank in Washington DC that I respect very much, recently posted this white paper on the topic of financial education in schools. It deserves to be reprinted here. Continue reading
The best parenting advice I ever received was to read to my children. I read to both my girls for as long as they would allow me. We read almost every night. Continue reading
I know I said that I would dive into the rich topic of allowance, but first I want to share with you a letter to the editor of the Chicago Tribune that I just finished writing. Continue reading