We all make mistakes – that is how we learn. Writer Terri Cettina asked me how to handle kids money mistakes and was surprised when I cheered the idea!
How to Handle Kids’ Money Mistakes – Eqiufax
We all make mistakes – that is how we learn. Writer Terri Cettina asked me how to handle kids money mistakes and was surprised when I cheered the idea!
How to Handle Kids’ Money Mistakes – Eqiufax
Attention parents! According to a recent Wall Street Journal article, research suggests that a happier teen earns more money as young adults. “Students who described themselves as happier at age 16 and 18 and felt more satisfied with their lives at age 22 earned more income at age 29.”
Here’s the full article if you are interested in learning more…
No. No. No. Are we really having this conversation AGAIN?!? I read last week that Justin Bieber is now promoting a prepaid debit card. Seriously?!?
Parents – step up here if this conversation comes up. Run from products like these. They only benefit Mr. Beiber – not you, not your child.
Here’s the article for those who are interested:
Justin Bieber Promotes Prepaid Debit Card – By Renee Morad,Yahoo Finance
#10 of the Top 10 things NOT to say to your kids about $$$: “It is better to give than to receive.”
Instead, you should say: “Let’s put the “Do” in “donate” and give our time, talent and money to others.”
Here are links to the other 9 tips of what NOT to say to kids about money:
#1 of 10, #2 of 10, #3 of 10 , #4 of 10, #5 of 10, #6 of 10, #7 of 10, #8 of 10 and #9 of 10.