“Drip by drip isn’t a crowd pleaser, but that’s what makes real change happen.” – Seth Godin
I read a daily email blog from Seth Godin. His perspective is more often than not – unique and thought-provoking. Today’s blog’s last line caught my attention: “Drip by drip isn’t a crowd pleaser, but that’s what makes real change happen.” That’s so true – but especially true in my world of financial education, where we start teaching kids about money in Pre-K.
The cancer of financial illiteracy is being cured. We have 10 years of research and published results to prove that. But that’s not what you read in the headlines. So, the cure goes unnoticed. It’s just not “hot” enough to grab and keep our attention in today’s noisy world.
So, let me confidently tell anyone who is listening right now – and reading this post – we have begun to eradicate the concept of financial illiteracy. Drip by drip. Generations that we work with now and have worked with over the last 20 years will be empowered by their money knowledge.
Real change is happening. Call me if you want to hear more. I’ll be here, pushing it forward, drip by drip.
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