This month I shared my thoughts on how to launch kids toward financial security in MONEY Magazine. Here are those tips:
Money Magazine- Susan Beacham Q&A: Launching Kids Toward Financial Security_2013_09
This month I shared my thoughts on how to launch kids toward financial security in MONEY Magazine. Here are those tips:
Money Magazine- Susan Beacham Q&A: Launching Kids Toward Financial Security_2013_09
Money mistakes happen. Some are tougher to take than others – and mistakes like the one in Steve Rosen’s column are completely avoidable in your family with just a little bit of financial education.
Lessons from a $2 Million Dollar Mistake – KC Star | Steve Rosen
Having the (Money) Talk Before College happening at your house? No? Well it’s time and should take place before your student leaves. Consider the tips I offer in my guest column on Jean Chatzky’s blog this week!
Here’s the link:
I recently spoke with Liz Weston at MSN Money about the recent Cambridge University research that confirms our youngest are learning money habits that are SET by age 7. So great to see others realizing what we have known all along – it pays to start the “money talk” when your kids are young! Here’s a link to the article:
Are you doing any of these things already with your children? When did you start the conversation about money with your kids? Did you get the same results from each of your children?