Last month I shared some thoughts about the important role grandparents can play in helping kids learn good money habits with readers of The Skinnie. Here’s a link to the article: TheSkinnie-TeachYourGrandkids AboutMoney-2014_04_18
Last month I shared some thoughts about the important role grandparents can play in helping kids learn good money habits with readers of The Skinnie. Here’s a link to the article: TheSkinnie-TeachYourGrandkids AboutMoney-2014_04_18
Just had to share this amazing, comprehensive review of our Money Savvy Kids @ Home Kit by respected homeschool reviewer, Cathy Duffy. Thank you, Cathy for testing the home curriculum and sharing with others!
Cathy Duffy Reviews: Money Savvy Kids @ Home
I found this list on the NerdWallet blog and was thrilled to see our SavingsSpree App as one of their “7 Great Money Apps for Kids”! I agree with James K. that “money apps can be an excellent teaching tool once kids know how cash works. Much like the budgeting apps available for adults, kids’ money apps make saving more fun and easier to track.”
Thanks, James!
“7 Great Money Apps for Kids” – NerdWallet
I was asked to share some tips on helping families teach their college students about how to manage money when they are away from home. Here’s the result:
Teaching Your College Kids About Money –