It’s the start of the school year and with that comes the many school supply requests from the teachers and/or the school – and your kids as well! With the back-to-school sales in full swing, it’s enticing to get these supplies in volume – much greater than actually needed because, you know, it’s on “sale.” It is so easy to go beyond your budget just to get the best deal. This year, try these ideas to help save you and your family time – and money.
Take the list – get only ONE
Bring the lengthy list of classroom supplies from the teacher or school and buy only one of each item. Don’t buy the five reams of college-ruled paper now. They cannot hope to use that much right away — or even all year. Wait. Let them ask you for more when they run out. Otherwise, you will see the excess paper, as I did, crammed into an already crowded locker, no longer useful in the “jammed-in” condition. Yes, the paper is on sale now, but it’s almost certain that you will save money when you end up buying just two reams of paper – one at the sale price and one at the regular price – instead of the five being requested now.
Wait and let the dust settle
Get some of the basics so your child can show up to school ready to work. Then email the teacher asking if everything on the school list is what the teacher really wants your child to have (if they haven’t already sent you their specific list). With the teacher’s advice, drop those items not really needed and add only the specific items each particular teacher requests. Being specific will help you save money. Use this “saved” money to pay for the specific supplies the teacher requests to meet their classroom needs.
Bought in bulk?
If you do buy in quantity, only send one of each of those items to school. Keep all the extras at home ready and waiting for when your child runs out and needs more. Generally, lockers and desks are small and cramped, and extra supplies will get ruined. I have even seen kids throw out extra supplies that were in their way rather than take them home.
From personal experience, I have found that waiting until school actually starts to get supplies is a much better – and cheaper – approach. Take advantage of the sales, but in a very limited way. Resolve not to get drawn into the sales frenzy at this time of the year. Stick to your list, limit your quantities and keep all extras at home.
Have a great school year!
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