For years adults have been asking me about what to do about allowance. When do I start? How much should I give my kids? What if I can’t get money to my kids each week and on time? Will I fail before I start?
My friend, Sandy Waters with the Seven Figures Podcast, a smart money strategies podcast for women, has started a new segment called “A Seat at the Kids Table” where I get the chance to answer questions about kids and money topics each week. The first topic? You guessed it – Allowance!
Here is a video of that podcast segment and my thoughts about allowance (Spoiler alert: I’m a BIG fan! 😉).
Feel inspired to get an allowance going with your own kids? Here are a few FREE resources from our website to help you get up and running:
Conditional Allowance Contract: http://www.moneysavvy.com/downloads/allowance_contract2018_8.pdf
Clothing Allowance Contract: http://www.moneysavvy.com/downloads/clothing_allowance_contract2018.pdf
Smart Phone Allowance Contract: http://www.moneysavvy.com/downloads/smart_phone_contract2018.pdf
If you do get allowance started with your kids, then tell me how things are going. Or if you have questions or stories of allowance successes and/or challenges, please add them as a comment below. I would love to hear from you and help if I can!
Listen to full Seven Figures Podcasts with Sandy Waters: CLICK HERE
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