The holidays are nearly here and the closer they get, the higher the stress. So here is my tip #9 of 10 to help you experience a more relaxing and memorable holiday this year:
Tip #9: Stop shopping. Last minute “add-ons” will wreck your budget. No matter how deep the discount – just take a breath and stop. You have enough.
Now is the time to be grateful. “Gratitude” promotes health and wealth. Research confirms simply stating what you are grateful for gratitude lifted people’s moods and senses of well-being – http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24451155. So what do you have to lose? This holiday, start a list of things you are grateful for. Try writing down a few and then ask your family to do the same. Then share.
Good things will happen – I promise!
Tip#1 – Make a list, Tip #2 – Set a budget, Tip #3 – Prioritize your list, Tip #4 – Be generous, Tip #5 – Follow the 4 gift rule for kids, Tip #6 – Free is good!, Tip #7 – Plan a family movie night, Tip #8 – Write a Letter
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