Sunday’s WSJ article ‘Playing Catch-Up in the Game of Life.’ Millennials Approach Middle Age in Crisis makes the case – once again – for EARLY financial education. It highlights how essential this education is to laying a foundation for later-in-life financial decisions:
“If I can’t afford a home, I definitely can’t afford kids,” said Joy Brown, 32 years old. She is a renter who is single and earns $75,000 a year. She also owes $102,000 in student loans and $10,000 in credit card debt. “Myself and a lot of my peers still feel like we’re playing catch-up in the game of life,” said Ms. Brown, a compliance officer for the city of Chicago.
It’s not the economy that is derailing people. It is their own decisions.
We need to reach people before they make financial decisions that will cripple them.
Clearly, “just-in-time” financial education is just too late.
Start with a quick read – a Money Savvy series for kids, teens or college-bound students. Try one of these money books available for free at your local library.
Or try one of our 4-chambered Money Savvy banks to help teach money choices and goal-setting starting as young as age 4.
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