All I see these days in the headlines are gift lists of ideas to help you find and buy and then give the perfect gift. To your spouse, kids, teacher, hostess. All those gifts that – well, let’s be honest here, nobody really wants.
I know, that hurts. But at times all I want to do is put a $10 bill in a notecard and call it a day. At least the person could buy themselves a quick lunch or add it to another item they really want and are saving to get for themselves.
But money seems cold. At times it looks as if there has not been enough thought put into it – when it actually is a double gift – the money – and then the excitement the person has thinking about all the things this gift of money will allow them to do.
Give cash. No, not a gift card – that’s too pushy. What if they do not like the place the gift card comes from? What if what they want is not covered by the card value? Now they have to shell out some money for something that maybe they did not even want! Surely not the intended outcome when you gave that gift.
Full disclosure – yes, I do buy and wrap things no one has asked for – and I hope that they appreciate what I have given them and don’t see it as a burden. I bake a lot as well. Things I know people are glad to receive especially during the holidays as we all have hungry people around who love homemade goods.
So, consider cash. And, bake. Food is good.
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